Fine porcelain milk jug, Natalia Danko, Lomonossov, Saint Petersburg, about 1950 (published)

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Fine porcelain milk jug as a peasant girl wearing a kokoshnik hairdress. Rich polychrome over glaze and golden decoration.
Model design by the russian artist Natalia Danko (1892-1942) 1918, painted by A.V. Vorobyevsky.
On the bottom stamped with blue manufacture mark Lomonossov, Saint Petersburg. Dated about 1950. Height 14 cm.

Very good conditions. 

Published in: Lydia Andreyeva (ed.), Soviet Ceramics. The Sandretti collection of 20th century Russian art, Exibition catalog 11.12.2004-13.02.2005, Mart Museum of modern and contemporary art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy, Number. 414.


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Feiner Porzellan-Milchkrug in Form eines Frauenkopfes mit "Kokoshnik"-Kopfschmuck. Reichlich mit polychromer Aufglasurmalerei und Poliergold dekoriert. Modellentwurf von der russischen Künstlerin Natalia Danko (1892-1942) 1918, Bemalung durch A.V.Vorobyevsky. 
Am Boden blaue Manufakturmarke Lomonossov, Sankt Petersburg.
Vermutlich um 1950. Höhe 14 cm.
Sehr guter Zustand. 

Publiziert in: Lydia Andreyeva (Hg.), Soviet Ceramics. The Sandretti collection of 20th century Russian art, Exibition catalog 11.12.2004-13.02.2005, Mart Museum of modern and contemporary art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy, Nr. 414.


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